How to Start Trading in Cryptocurrency in 2024: Can you make $100 a day with crypto?

Cryptocurrency trading has increased in popularity over the past decade. The introduction of Bitcoin in 2009 marked the beginning of a new financial age. Since then, dozens other cryptocurrencies have developed, resulting in a vibrant and profitable market for traders.

In 2024, the cryptocurrency market will continue to expand, creating countless chances for both new and seasoned traders. This blog article will teach you how to start trading in cryptocurrency in 2024, ensuring you have the knowledge and guidance needed to succeed.

How to Start Trading in Cryptocurrency in 2024

Why Should You Consider Trading in Cryptocurrency in 2024?

High Potential for Returns

Cryptocurrencies are recognized for their high volatility, which can result in significant returns on investment. While traditional markets frequently generate yearly returns in the single digits, cryptocurrency traders can achieve double-digit or even triple-digit gains in much less time. 


Including cryptocurrency in your investment portfolio might give diversification. This is especially notable because cryptocurrencies rarely correspond with traditional asset classes such as equities and bonds, possibly lowering overall portfolio risk.


In contrast to typical stock markets, the crypto market is open at all hours. This allows traders to capitalize on chances at any time, regardless of their time zone or schedule.

Innovation and Technological Advancements

The technology that supports cryptocurrencies, known as blockchain, is continuously evolving. Innovations such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are broadening the crypto space's use cases and investment opportunities.

Can you make $100 a day with crypto?

Making $100 every day with cryptocurrency carries significant risk and necessitates smart planning. There are several ways to accomplish this.

  1. Day Trading: Active cryptocurrency trading has the potential to deliver large rewards. This involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies on the same day, based on market movements, technical analysis, and news. However, it requires a solid understanding of the market, technical analysis abilities, and an ability to make quick decisions.

  2. Staking and Yield Farming: Some cryptocurrencies provide staking rewards or yield farming options, which allow you to earn interest on your holdings. By putting your cryptocurrencies in a staking or liquidity pool, you can receive rewards that could help you accomplish your daily goal. To avoid scams, however, a significant initial investment is essential, as is the careful selection of reliable platforms.

  3. Mining: Mining can be profitable if you have the right equipment and access to inexpensive electricity. However, initial setup fees and recurring expenses must be addressed.

  4. Airdrops and Bounties: Participating in airdrops and bounty programs offered by new cryptocurrency projects can occasionally provide substantial rewards, although these are often less predictable and not a consistent source of income.

While earning $100 per day is possible, it's important to remember that the cryptocurrency market is extremely unpredictable and can result in big losses. It is critical to conduct extensive research, diversify your investments, and invest only what you can afford to lose.

How to Start Trading in Cryptocurrency

1. Educate Yourself

Before getting into cryptocurrency trading, you should educate yourself. Understanding the basics of blockchain technology, the various types of cryptocurrencies, and trading techniques will provide the groundwork for future success. There are numerous online courses, webinars, and books available to help you get started.

2. Choose a Reliable Cryptocurrency Exchange

Selecting a trustworthy cryptocurrency exchange is essential for a smooth trading experience. Consider factors such as security, fees, user interface, and available cryptocurrencies when choosing an exchange. Popular exchanges in 2024 include Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitfinex.

3. Set Up Your Trading Account

Once you have chosen an exchange, the next step is to set up your trading account. This usually involves:

  • Registration: Provide your email address and create a password.

  • Verification: Complete the identity verification process, which may require you to upload identification documents.

  • Funding: Deposit funds into your account using a bank transfer, credit card, or cryptocurrency deposit.

4. Develop a Trading Strategy

Having a well-defined trading strategy is important. Consider different strategies such as day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing based on your risk tolerance and time commitment. Use technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both to make informed trading decisions.

5. Start Trading

With your account financed and your plan in place, you can begin trading. Monitor the market, execute deals, and alter your approach as appropriate. Remember to start modest and raise your investment as you acquire experience.

Best Cryptocurrency Exchanges for Trading

1. Binance

Binance is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency exchanges globally. It offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies, low trading fees, and advanced trading features such as futures and margin trading.

2. Coinbase

Coinbase is a user-friendly exchange ideal for beginners. It provides a secure platform, an intuitive interface, and a variety of educational resources. Coinbase also offers Coinbase Pro for more advanced traders.

3. Kraken

Kraken is known for its robust security measures and wide range of supported cryptocurrencies. It offers various trading options, including spot trading, futures, and staking.

4. Bitfinex

Bitfinex is a well-established exchange that caters to professional traders. It offers advanced trading tools, a large selection of cryptocurrencies, and competitive fees.

Setting Up Your Trading Account

Setting up your trading account is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Registration

Visit the website of your chosen exchange and click on the sign-up or register button. Provide the required information, such as your email address and password.

2. Verification

Most exchanges require identity verification to comply with regulatory requirements. Upload the necessary documents, such as a government-issued ID and proof of address. Verification can take anywhere from a few minutes to several days.

3. Funding

Once your account is verified, you can deposit funds. Most exchanges accept bank transfers, credit card payments, and cryptocurrency deposits. Choose the method that suits you best and follow the instructions to fund your account.

Strategies for Successful Cryptocurrency Trading

1. Day Trading

Day trading involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the same day. This strategy takes advantage of short-term price movements and requires active monitoring of the market.

2. Swing Trading

Swing trading aims to capture price swings over several days or weeks. Traders using this strategy rely on technical analysis to identify trends and potential entry and exit points.

3. Long-Term Investing

Long-term investing involves holding cryptocurrencies for an extended period, typically months or years. This strategy is based on the belief that the value of the cryptocurrency will increase significantly over time.

4. Scalping

Scalping is a high-frequency trading strategy that involves making numerous small trades throughout the day. Scalpers aim to profit from small price movements and often use automated trading bots.

Risk Management in Cryptocurrency Trading

Risk management is crucial in cryptocurrency trading due to the market's high volatility. Here are some risk management techniques to consider:

1. Diversification

Diversifying your investments across different cryptocurrencies can reduce risk. Avoid putting all your funds into a single cryptocurrency.

2. Use Stop-Loss Orders

Stop-loss orders can help limit your losses by automatically selling a cryptocurrency when it reaches a predetermined price.

3. Only Invest What You Can Afford to Lose

Never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Cryptocurrency trading is risky, and it's important to be prepared for the possibility of losing your entire investment.

4. Stay Informed

Keep up with the latest news and developments in the cryptocurrency market. Market sentiment can change rapidly, and staying informed will help you make better trading decisions.

Staying Updated with the Latest Cryptocurrency Trends

The cryptocurrency market is constantly evolving. To stay updated with the latest trends:

1. Follow News Websites

Websites like CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, and CryptoSlate provide the latest news and analysis on the cryptocurrency market.

2. Join Online Communities

Online communities such as Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram are great places to connect with other traders and stay informed about market trends and developments.

3. Attend Conferences and Webinars

Participate in cryptocurrency conferences, webinars, and meetups to learn from industry experts and network with other traders.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Cryptocurrency Trading

1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

Avoid making impulsive decisions based on FOMO. Stick to your trading strategy and make decisions based on analysis rather than emotions.

2. Overtrading

Trading too frequently can lead to significant losses due to transaction fees and poor decision-making. Focus on quality trades rather than quantity.

3. Ignoring Risk Management

Neglecting risk management can result in significant losses. Always use stop-loss orders and diversify your investments.

4. Lack of Research

Failing to research and understand the cryptocurrencies you are trading can lead to poor investment decisions. Take the time to study each cryptocurrency and its potential.


Starting to trade cryptocurrencies in 2024 can be a profitable and fascinating activity if done right. You can securely navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market by educating yourself, selecting a reputable exchange, creating a secure trading account, and adopting an effective trading strategy.

Remember to manage your risks, keep up with latest changes, and avoid common mistakes.

With the appropriate technique, you can capitalize on the opportunities given by the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading.

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